Hi, I'm Russ and I like to play...
More importantly, I'd like to help YOU have more FUN playing! No matter your age or experience, my high performance coaching is committed to enhancing your game (because I hear that tennis is more fun when you can actually make contact with the ball and have some control over the direction it bounces in).
I teach balance essentials, correct grip choices, fundamental swing mechanics and tennis strategy. I observe your stroke deficiencies and suggest corrective techniques and drills to maximize your development. Sensitive attention is given to beginners, with lessons geared to get them up to speed quickly and painlessly.
I also just added a remote controlled ball machine into the arsenal of my teaching tools. It's super fun, it keeps you moving, and it allows me to watch your stroke closely and give you immediate feedback. My clients love it and you will too!
What qualifies me to do all of the above? Glad you asked. After a stint on the Indiana State University tennis team with former USPTA president Joseph Thompson, I started teaching during the "Tennis Boom" years with Hank and Pat Fenton in Central Park and during the nineties with Burt Kahn at Tower Tennis. As a USPTA member for twenty-eight years, I attend USTA Tennis Teachers Conferences to keep up to date. I am currently the Tennis Professional at Inwood Hill Park in Manhattan licensed by the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation. Since 1980, I've taught tennis to thousands of New Yorkers in Central Park, Riverside Park, Inwood Hill Park and in many private venues throughout New York City.
Off the court, I am an avid painter and opera buff. Metropolitan Opera House is second home, as are the painting studios of the Art Students League.